Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Lune estuary area Lapwings (functionally linked land!)

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 541

      All on farmland land along W side of Heaton / Colloway Marshes– very few on saltmarshes:

      Heaton / Overton fields;

      650 at SD443612 (300 of which had been displaced from Aldcliffe Marsh N by recreational disturbance)

      750 at SD444606

      1000 at SD447601

      220 at SD445593

      500 at SD444588

      (above all on improved grass)

      380 at SD443584 (maize stubble)

      100 at SD442576 (pony paddocks)

      (SPA: c900 on Ashton stretch of estuarine mud cSD454575. Just 200 in same habitat at Glasson. 60 in centre of Glasson Marsh cSD438561).

      Various fields to S and SE of Glasson viewed from Glasson / Jeremy Lane / Moss Lane: c2000 in total– mostly on improved grassland.

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