Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Leck Fell and Cowan Bridge

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  • johnwilson
      Post count: 612

      Leck Fell
      Nice to see and hear so many Skylarks and Meadow Pipits but no Cuckoos.
      Red Grouse (2) Wheatear 8
      Talked to the farmer. He said that in previous years they had up to 10 pairs of Lapwing but this year none at all. He felt he had done nothing different.Similar trend in so many other areas. Several pairs of Curlew.
      Cowan Bridge
      Dipper pair
      Grey wagtail pair
      Siskin on feeders by the bridge.
      John Wilson

      Pete Marsh
        Post count: 58

        Re ‘not doing anything different’ mean no extra drainage? No supplementary feeding attracting gulls and crows? High speed stock round ups using quad bikes?

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