Home Forums Notices LDBWS feeding station at Fairfield NR- volunteers wanted.

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 541

      The club is about to re-start its autumn>winter feeding project in the usual spot at SD467605 What3Words committed.pursuit.trails

      The arable field is a little overgrown / undersown again so I’m looking for volunteers to assist me in clearing a square (suitable for feeding and monitoring finches buntings etc.) tomorrow afternoon 18 October. The Fairfield Association can provide rakes and maybe shears so please email me at [email protected] if you’re able to pitch in and meet me there.

      Thank you to LDBWS members Sue C. and Alasdair T. for your generous donations of finch mix for this season’s feeding. The club will place an order soon and hopefully we’ll be benefitting linnets, chaffinches, bramblings, buntings, stock doves (and hopefully not too many squirrels) soon.

      Thanks again for Alan D’s bespoke low-rise bird tables which are out of summer storage and have been given a new coat by Ian N.– and are ready for action.

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