Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings LDBWS feeding station at Fairfield

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 538

      LDBWS Feeding Station 1000:

      5 degrees Celsius.

      Chaffinch 30
      Linnet 15
      Reed Bunting 10
      Brambling 1 fem

      (Thanks to Bill Myall for records)

      Alasdair Taylor
        Post count: 61

        Friday 8am 10C, dry, light Southerly breeze. Business was slow on my admittedly brief visit this morning. Very few “farmland” birds in evidence, just 3 chaffinches and a male reed bunting. The “flock” of robins was back, along with 3 blue tits, 2 great tits, a blackbird, a dunnock and a couple of passing magpies. I removed a well-fed but dead brown rat from the grass adjacent to the lower table. Last reminders of Winter (for now, at least) were a flock of ca. 300 pink-feet geese grazing in field A7 and a mixed flock of ca. 40 redwings and fieldfares (the latter ID’d by their chuckling)that alighted in the strip of woodland between Fairfield and the houses at Aldcliffe.

          Post count: 41

          12 noon today

          Chaffinch 12
          Brambling 1 F
          Linnet 10 in tree
          Stock Dove 2 – pair courting, then another male turned up and was chased off.
          Reed Bunting 8
          c200 Pinkfoot on Drumlins

          Plus fleeting appearances from Robin, Great, Blue and LT Tits, Dunnock, Wren. Song Thrush singing in Pony Wood.

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