Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Lapwing breeding in SD46W

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  • andrewmccafferty
      Post count: 97

      After many years of seeing lapwings messing around above what’s normally a maize field up from Claver Hill (near the motorway across from the prison), I finally tracked one down that seemed to be sitting on eggs this morning, at some distance, but got this photo. Dan tells me this is a bit late, and any chicks could be “low quality”, but still nice to see them trying, and another dot for this atlas square I’m helping out with!

      Other interesting things I’ve had in this square this year and past years are, but trying to get more breeding evidence for:

      Whitethroat: I see a singing male every year, but not got any breeding evidence beyond that

      Garden Warbler: one apparently lovelorn male singing away in the woods behind Esthwaite Gardens for over two weeks now, still at it this morning (this was the first year I’ve had one here).

      Stock Dove: flushed a couple this morning, plus have seen them intermittently in the past, but again don’t know what they’re up to here!

      Great Spotted Woodpecker: not tracked down any nests in SD46W so if you know of any, let me know!

      If you spot anything else breeding in SD46, give me, Josh Hedley or Nick Godden a shout!

      I’ve been watching oystercatchers in the square at various places, but not got confirmed breeding yet, if anybody knows somebody who works in the prison, maybe they can tell me if they’re nesting in the gardens this year or the last two years, as I’m told they did in the past! They’re also hanging around near the south-bound slip road to J34 of the M6, but can’t quite see where they’re nesting, which I presume they are!

      Dan Haywood
        Post count: 541

        SD46 map attached.

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