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  • John Webb
      Post count: 143

      JBP 10.00 – 12.30. 3 shelduck, 4 mallard, 2 pintail, 55 wigeon, 2 eider, 1 goldeneye, 2 goosander, 18 cormorant,
      300 oystercatcher, 7 turnstone, 73 dunlin, 75 redshank, 29 curlew,
      2 black-headed gull, 8 herring gull, 4 gbb gull.
      Wet and windy until late morning. Some waders apparently roosting further inland, e.g. 50+ curlew in fields near railway at high tide yesterday.

        Post count: 144

        Coastal waders are no longer unusual on Crosshill Park (Torrisholme CC, Westgate CC, the Vale of Lune or Bare CC aligning Barley Cop Lane and Powderhouse Lane. The most common visitors are Oystercatchers, up to 40 or 50 on occasions. Redshank and sometimes Godwits are also visitors depending upon soil moisture. The wetter the better, associated with a high tide. This was not the case 20 years ago. There is a more than ample earthworm population for them to exploit. In addition, there are always 3 or 4 regular trampling gulls, dancing for their supper.

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