Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Island Mere egret roost

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 247

      A count of the Island Mere egret roost from Storrs Lane (6.55 – 7.50 pm), with all the egrets arriving from the SW (i.e. from the direction of Causeway Hide):

      6 Cattle Egret – 1 at 7.08 pm, 1 at 7.11 pm and 4 at 7.20 pm (Presumably the same 4 as seen earlier among the cows on Barrow Scout Fields from Crag Road)

      5 Great White Egret – arriving separately between 7.08 pm and 7.23 pm.

      47 Little Egret – 10 were already in the dead tree at Island Mere when I arrived at 6.55 pm, the rest mostly arrived separately between 7.00 pm and 7.50 pm (by which time the light was hopeless), with a group of 12 arriving at 7.34 pm.

      Pete C

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