Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Heysham North Harbour Wall

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 255

      6.55 – 9.45 am (with Mark Prestwood)
      3 dark morph Arctic Skua – 1 flew into the Bay at 8.26 am, with presumably the same bird returning back out of the Bay at 8.40 am; 1 flew in and landed on the sea at 9.10 am, then another flew in at 9.15 am and landed alongside the previous bird, before both flew off further into the Bay separately at 9.25 am and 9.30 am.
      c.130 Auks – mostly Guillemot, but including 10+ Razorbill drifted in on the incoming tide between 8.20 and 9.30 am. Mostly distant (beyond the two buoys) and in groups of up to 20, with quite a few flying back out as others were still drifting in on the flat, calm sea.
      c.65 Common Scoter – groups of 15, c.40 and 9 flew into the Bay, but mostly distant.
      3 Red-throated Diver – 1 in at 7.50 am, then 2 in at 8.58 am
      2 Great Crested Grebe
      8 Sandwich Tern
      c.250 Bar-tailed Godwit – flew from Half Moon Bay towards the Wooden Pier
      2 Harbour Porpoise
      No passerine movement; just 1 Rock Pipit flew from Near Naze towards the harbour

      Pete C

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