Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Fairfield 30th Oct

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  • Filosophy
      Post count: 83

      C 3.30-4.30

      Welcome anyone more confident to confirm ID:

      Noteworthy waterfowl at the flood/pond near the Ldbws feeding station:
      Teal, looked like 11. At least 3 very colourful, the others less so.
      1 little grebe?
      Also, 3 moorhen, 1 magpie, 3 woodpigeons, 4 crows

      160+ jackdaws gathered at the large ash by the friar field bridge/noisy boardwalk. Despite lifting the pushchair so it was o l’y on 2 wheels I still spooked them so I got a photo. Sorry jackdaws… I know they aslo gather at the top of Westbourne Road so probs headed there. I’ve only ever counted 80 looking up from the willow lane park before

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