Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Eric Morecambe complex and Slag Tips

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  • Nick Godden
      Post count: 184

      Slag Tips:
      Eider 531, Goosander 4, mallard 71, Oystercatcher 5780, Curlew 201, lapwing 306, green sandpiper 1, Common sandpiper 3, bar-tailed godwit 52, black-tailed godwit 12, Spoonbill 7, Juvenile hen harrier over Warton Marsh over towards the hides. Lots of gulls – 17 gbb, 49 lbb, 296 herring, 1 Mediterranean, 14 Common, 673 Black-headed. 2 Wheatear, 21 swallow, 12 sand Martin, 1 House Martin.

      Saltmarsh pools, most birds on the Flood:
      Black-tailed godwit 1845, ruff 1, snipe 2, 9 greenshank, Teal 81

      Nick Godden
        Post count: 184


        Teal 264
        Shoveler 5
        Pochard 4
        Ruff 3
        Knot 1
        Greenshank 14
        Snipe 18
        Lapwing 129
        Great white egret 1
        Pied wagtail 41
        House Martin 6
        Sand Martin 5

        7 Spoonbill still out at the Slag tips

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