Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Copridding Wood, Arnside

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 255

      Just over 2 hours wandering around the the lower NW slopes of Arnside Knott adjacent Copridding Wood produced 15 species of butterfly. The highlight were two duelling fritillaries, which, when they settled proved to be a male Silver-washed Fritillary (my first in the Arnside and Silverdale AONB) and a High Brown Fritillary (at SD 44632 77232).
      4 Dark Green Fritillary
      65 Gatekeeper
      62 Ringlet
      36 Meadow Brown
      4 Large Skipper
      9 Small Skipper
      1 Peacock
      1 White-letter Hairstreak
      2 Purple Hairstreak
      3 Large White
      2 Small White
      5 Speckled Wood
      1 Small Heath

      Pete C

      Steve Graham
        Post count: 113

        Hi Pete

        An excellent haul.

        Despite the ideal weather conditions I am finding butterfly numbers disappointing in the wider countryside away from managed hotspots. With this continuing heat Scotch Argus will be out any day no doubt.


        Pete Crooks
          Post count: 255

          Hi Steve,

          Yes, totally agree – plenty of tempting buddleia at the moment, but not many butterflies on them.

          Pete C

          Steve Graham
            Post count: 113

            Yes Pete, just the same at the butterfly bank in Halton. Loads of Buddleia in flower and plenty of other good nectar sources including Hemp Agrimony and hardly a butterfly around. The Buddleia is clearly full of nectar but few customers!


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