Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder, Glasson & Cockersands

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  • Ian Hartley
      Post count: 157

      10th Sept

      Conder Green
      Teal 27
      Little Grebe 14
      Greenshank 11
      Ruff 2, adult male and female
      Snipe 12
      Wigeon 1

      Cockersands abbey area
      Osprey 1
      Whimbrel 2
      Wheatear 3
      Garganey 1 still on pool in field
      Yellow Wagtail 1
      Golden Plover 30

      Lune from Conder picnic site
      American Golden Plover 1 in with Golden Plover flock, from at least 1pm to 2pm. (The one currently at Bank’s Marsh is a different bird)
      Great White Egret 1
      Curlew Sandpiper 1 juv (but there were more reported by others from the bowling green)
      Mediterranean Gull 3

      Blea Tarn reservoir
      Tree Pipit 1 over

      Ian Hartley

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