Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder & Glasson

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  • Ian Hartley
      Post count: 157

      29th August

      Conder Green
      Pintail 1 ad female on pool
      Wigeon 13
      Teal 20
      Little Grebe 19
      Kingfisher 1
      Greenshank 2
      Raven 2 over
      Common Tern 2 adults briefly

      Lune from Glasson bowling green (much disturbance)
      Spotted Redshank 1 mouth of Conder
      Mediterranean Gull 12 adults and 1 juvenile
      Common Tern 7 including what I thought were Conder Green’s juveniles but the rings/legs suggest not all were
      Lapwing 760
      Avocet 1

      Blea Tarn reservoir
      Mediterranean Gull 1 adult

      Ian Hartley

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