Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Conder and Moss Lane

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  • Ian Hartley
      Post count: 157

      21 Feb
      Lots of carrion crows about today, also trickle of skylarks S/SW

      Conder Green
      Teal 95
      Carrion Crow 19
      Mediterranean Gull 1 adult

      Jeremy Lane/ Moss Lane top fields
      Whooper Swan 42
      Carrion Crow 33
      Curlew 120
      Cattle Egret 1 by Bamber’s Farm at 11:30 – in the small flood in the farmhouse garden. Showing well but it disappeared on me while I looked away and I couldn’t re-find it

      Moss Lane west end
      Whooper Swan 66+123+4+31+95 = 319
      Bewick’s Swan 2 adults

      Stonechat 2 by road bear abbey farm

      Blea Tarn reservoir
      Lapwing 70
      Great Crested Grebe only 1 still

      Newt in my pond at Brookhouse

      Ian Hartley

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