Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Christmas lunch at Pipit Corner, Aldcliffe

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  • Jen Woodward
      Post count: 28

      A busy Christmas lunch at Pipit Corner, Aldcliffe around midday. The 9.73 metre high tide augmented by a stiff breeze meant the river was as high as I’ve seen it, pushing the birds up onto the xylo-flotsam and the handful of grassy ‘islands’ remaining.

      At least 2 Rock pipits amongst the Meadow pipits (but no Water pipit)
      2 Pied wagtails – one having a right go at all the Mipits
      1 Grey wagtail
      2 Reed buntings
      2 Greenfinches

      6 Snipe
      2 Curlew
      2 Little Egret

      Black-headed gulls

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