Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Breeding birds

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  • Jean Roberts
      Post count: 57

      If possible please could you give a 4 figure grid ref for any breeding records such as nesting Mute Swan, Blue Tit with food, pair of Stonechat, singing Garden Warbler, House Martin nest etc etc so that the record can be converted into tetrads for our breeding bird Atlas? Place names are good but sometimes can cover more than one tetrad. There are some brilliant records on here so please keep them coming!

      I’d better practice what I preach so there was an Oystercatcher sitting on a nest in the newly ploughed field on the Wray road just after the turn-off from the A683, grid ref SD5867 according to the OS app on my phone.

        Post count: 307

        Don’t know how to do private messages but if anyone wants to contact me about breeding birds for your atlas in sensitive areas I can provide grid references.

        Jean Roberts
          Post count: 57

          That’s great. Thanks. Will do.

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