Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Arnside Knott

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 255

      Osprey – 1 flew high to the north over trig point, pursued by a Common Buzzard at 10.25 am

      13 species of butterfly was a decent haul given the generally dire summer for insects, but no fritillaries or Scotch Argus.

      Brown Hairstreak – 3 (1 female, 2 males) netaring on hemp-agrimony about 50 metres SE of the trig point at SD 45640 77452 from 10.30 am onwards and very approachable. (NB. Brown Hairstreak has been seen here for about the last 5 years – presumably as a result of an unofficial introduction or colonisation from the Coldwell Parrock / Gait Barrows area).

      Painted Lady – 3 (1 relatively worn/faded, 2 very fresh)

      Also: Gatekeeper (commonest species), Meadow Brown, Brimstone, Green-veined White, Large White, Common Blue, Holly Blue, Ringlet, Grayling, Speckled Wood and Red Admiral.

      Pete C

        Post count: 23

        Thanks for the excellent directions for viewing the Brown Hairstreaks – visited yesterday, and had great views of a male BH on the Hemp Agrimony, plus a brief showing by one other (sex undetermined) at the steep edge overlooking Arnside Tower. Very little else, though – a Peacock, also on the H.A, a couple of Speckled Woods, and a Meadow Brown. No sign of Scotch Argus, which used to fly here – I believe they are still on the wing at Smardale.

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