Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe Osprey / Tree Pipit etc.

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 541

      Osprey checked out me and Steve W as we were in maize field (A3) monitoring Lapwing nests (not nearly enough this year!). Osprey continued N.

      Tree Pipit over N here, also 3+ Siskins and 2+ Lesser Redpolls moving.

      45 Linnets and 20 Meadow Pipits in field also.

      stephen wallis
        Post count: 77

        Lesser whitethroat 1 wildfowlers, also Black-tailed godwits, snipe, LRP etc
        Wheatear 1 maize field dung heap, 2 on flood, also on flood meadow pipits, pied/white wagtails
        Peregrine 1.
        Willow warbler singing, Freemans Wood.

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