Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe – morning highlights

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  • Jen Woodward
      Post count: 29

      Aldcliffe Marsh at c. 10.30 – 11.15
      Wheatear 1
      Pink-footed Geese 980 (410 on Aldcliffe Marsh; two groups of 350 and 220 respectively on Heaton Marsh)
      Gadwall 2

      Wildfowlers’ Pools
      Little Grebe 1
      Tufted Duck 4
      Shoveler 2

      Field (FLL A3) opposite Frog pond field
      Lapwing 4 (Including 1 pair indulging in some intimate courtship)

      Clay G
        Post count: 50

        Hi Jen, it was nice to meet you this morning.

        From the Aldcliffe Marsh footpath (Freeman’s Pool end) I saw approx. 500 geese flying off towards the estuary at 11:45. It looked like two flocks converging so I suspect they were your Heaton Marsh groups. The ~400 on Aldcliffe Marsh were still there when I got there, and someone I met on the path mentioned they had seen a couple of white-fronted geese amongst them, although I couldn’t make these out when I got there.

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