Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe Marsh

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  • Dan Haywood
      Post count: 538

      9.7 metre tide covering about a third of Aldcliffe Marsh this lunchtime.

      The recent mowing of the footpath (which is along the top of the embankment) seemed to be helping reduce recreational disturbance of the birds on the SSSI/SPA saltmarsh (ie straying from the path), so although jet-skiers were doing their worst on the main channel of the Lune the following could be seen feeding and roosting undisturbed:

      Lapwing 1600
      Redshank 60
      Curlew 50
      Teal 47
      Little Egret 42*
      Wigeon 7
      Mediterranean Gull 4
      Kestrel 1 female type.

      Four Skylark and a Tree Pipit were flushed out by the creeping water. Latter flew off SE.

      32 Migrant Hawkers*, 18 Common Darters, 110 Speckled Wood* feeding and resting along the hedgerow between Aldcliffe Hall Lane gate and Freeman’s Pools.

      Male Holly Blue Freeman’s near the famous Marsh Point Black Poplar.

      *these are counts I would have scarcely believed twenty or even ten years ago. Wall Brown long absent, but it was wall to wall with them in the late nineties.

        Post count: 39

        Black swan with 300+ canada geese in field containing Frog Pond this afternoon.

        Dan Haywood
          Post count: 538

          That’s field A5 Rosie!

          Dan Haywood
            Post count: 538

            15 Wigeon and five Little Grebes Freeman’s Pools (A2)

            Up to three Green Sandpipers on wildfowlers Pools N (A4N)

            97 Teal on Wildfowlers Pools S (A4S) unfazed by a female Kestrel which caught a vole.

            290 Canada Goose, 84 Greylags, 21 Lapwing and a Black Swan (A5).

            Field ASC13 west (between Conder Green / Ashton) looking very good for attracting a passing D*tterel at the moment. Today 115 Lapwing, nine alba wags and two Mediterranean Gulls.

            A whopping 21 Greenshank roosting on the S. bank of Conder Pool at high tide (9.73m), where a trickle of tidal water entered via the sluice for at least twenty minutes.

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