Rather quiet at Aldcliffe today except for at Freeman’s Pools (A2) where 50 Black-headed Gulls were noisily inspecting the island for nesting suitability.
185 Black-headed Gulls in the next field up (between the pools and Keyline- A1), feeding in the outsized puddles alongside 6 Pied Wagtail.
87 Wigeon in and around ‘Frog Pond’ (A5). This pond and field has hosted wintering Wigeon for donkeys years.
30 Linnets were feeding in the maize field (A3) where 25 Lapwing were having a pre-breeding (?) gathering.
44 Pink-footed Goose and a Peregrine Aldcliffe Marsh S.
34 Curlews were feeding three fields south (ASC6) of Stodday sewage works.
8 Linnets paddocks in Lunecliffe area at SD 47068 59186.
One Green Sandpiper and 11 Curlews in flooded field just west of canal at SD 46961 59918 (A21).
LDBWS feeding station:
Chaffinch 36
Reed Bunting 16
Woodpigeon 11
Linnet 10
41 Fieldfares in Pony Wood.