Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings 2020 record queries

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  • Pete Marsh
      Post count: 58

      Hi all
      Sorting out 2020 records. Anyone know anything about the noc mig recorded Dotterel over Lancaster on 23 May please (reported to Birdguides) and similarly the one in a field at Cockersands earlier on.

      The other major mystery is a Surf Scoter reported again on national info lines from Arnside

      No authenticated Waxwing reports in our area in 2020 unless anyone knows anything different

      Finally if anyone has been keeping quiet about a rarity in 2020 during Covid, please could you let the record now be authenticated. No one is going to have a go at you for suppressing anything and it can of course be sent in anonymously. Please send details to: [email protected]

      If you prefer the details to be confidential please send to me and the county recorder and I will be the only two with full details.

      Thanks very much

        Post count: 144


        Just to confirm your waxwing observation….or non-observation…I have done my usual urban trawl varying my routes prior to lockdown and then using my work visits and weekly shopping trips after lockdown to scour all my known rowan, service tree etc. sites. Nothing so far this winter in Lancaster, Torrisholme or Morecambe. The fruit was plentiful in September but rapidly stripped by visiting blackbirds, redwing and fieldfare. There are a handful of pink or white rowans with a few fruit still, Lentworth Drive near Booths is one. The habit of silage farmers attacking their hedges as soon as allowed in the Autumn and prior to slurry spreading is removing so much hedge fruit up to the New year. I wish they’d just wait til January or just flail what is essential. There is nothing left for winter thrushes in the remaining hedgerows by the end of October…..then as soon as April comes so many spray with a broad leaved weedkiller under the walls both sides. An obsession with neatness. It is so depressing.

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