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Clay G
    Post count: 44

    Yesterday (14th Apr), 6-7pm

    Using the tables but also on the ground nearby:
    1x Reed bunting (m)
    4x Linnet (3m, 1 not sure)
    1x Chaffinch (m)
    4x Great tit
    1x Blue tit
    1x Robin
    3x Mallard (2m, 1f)
    2x Stock dove
    1x Wood pigeon
    4x Feral pigeon
    2x Blackbird (both male)
    2x Jackdaw

    Plus 6 more jackdaws, a crow, a male pheasant and several black-headed gulls feeding in the field further away from the tables. Also a chiffchaff nearby in the woods and a nuthatch heard.