Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Farleton Knott and various belated records Reply To: Farleton Knott and various belated records

Dan Haywood
    Post count: 540

    On the opposite pavement (Hutton Roof Crags) on April 8th I had less luck than Nick but did note 18 Willow Warblers singing across the wooded northern edge of the site Five Goldcrests singing in hazels here also. Breeding interest in the bracken slopes at SD563784 was confined to a singing male Stonechat and a pair of Linnets. A male Kestrel was hunting near the trig point at SD556774. A Siskin was singing in potential habitat by the ‘RC gate’ at SD545783.

    A bit of northbound afternoon vis mig over the highest point included a male Crossbill.

    Seven Chiffchaffs were singing in Lancelot Clark Storth and a pair of Marsh Tits were carrying nesting material there c.SD545775. Another Marsh Tit was singing at Holme Park Quarry LNR where four Willow Warblers, three Chiffchaffs and three Blackcap were in song. In the quarry itself breeding interest included Stock Dove, Jackdaw, Oystercatcher and Raven.

    Species nesting in Burton-in-Kendal itself included Rook (5-6 active nests by the memorial hall), Starling, Collared Dove, House Sparrow, Blackbird and Greenfinch. Five Lesser Redpoll flew N over the high street.