Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Large flock of Pink Footed Geese, Thurnham Reply To: Large flock of Pink Footed Geese, Thurnham

Pete Crooks
    Post count: 224

    The Moss Lane / Jeremy Lane area currently offers the best birding experience in north Lancashire. I spent about 40 minutes checking through the c.4000 Pink-footed Geese in fields south of Moss Lane late this afternoon and saw:
    1 adult Lesser White-fronted Goose – of ‘unknown origin’
    8 Russian White-fronted Geese – groups of 5 and 3 (up to 12 have been seen in recent days)
    8 Barnacle Geese – in a single group among the Pink-feet

    Also: 1 adult Mediterranean Gull among Black-headed and Common Gulls following a ‘muck spreading tractor’, with a different adult in the same area last Friday.

    Also seen in recent days by various different observers:
    3 Tundra Bean Geese
    1 Greenland White-fronted Goose
    Up to 8 adult Bewick’s Swan
    450+ Whooper Swan

    Pete C