Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Freehold Swift Boxes Reply To: Freehold Swift Boxes

    Post count: 144

    Sat 6th August

    Finally still air and a clear sunset. A reassuring maximum count of 34 swifts tonight directly over SE Freehold. I believe this is the combination of two local colonies, one from the SE and another located around NW Freehold. These don’t involve the Moor Lane or Bulk Road colonies nor the diminished St Leonardsgate colony. Numbers lower but a terrible season for breeding with excessive windy rain events contrasting with short periods of blistering perfect weather.

    The next week with the current forecast is perfect for a daily sunset count, a rare opportunity to census the swift population in an area of town or your village. The departure date coincides with a pretty perfect sunset each evening. If you could step out at 8.45 to 9.15pm and make a count and location we would have some interesting data from the area.