Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Snipe Flush Count at Fairfield Nature Reserve Reply To: Snipe Flush Count at Fairfield Nature Reserve

Jean Roberts
    Post count: 54

    Perhaps a list of the monthly counts would confirm or otherwise whether this is the case?
    Could you let us know the source of the Jack Snipe disturbance that you mention and how often the birds were flushed?
    At Ocean Edge saltmarsh there is a natural flush of Snipe on spring tides. This has been well-monitored over the years by one of the resident birders. He notes that on the second and third days of very high tides the Snipe counts go down (the birds relocate to Middleton NR and other areas) but the Jack Snipe stay tend to stay put. This suggests a daily “flush” has an adverse effect but perhaps not a monthly flush.