Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Stone Jetty Reply To: Stone Jetty

Dan Haywood
    Post count: 534

    A quiet morning for you Phil- granted. But not as quiet as my watch this morning:

    0715-0945, W1-2 later NW3 (2 oktas- later 6, dry)

    Swallow 5 NE
    Red-breasted Merganser pair in at high tide
    Goldfinch 1 N
    Guillemot 1 NE
    Osprey 1* NE along Morecambe Front 0910

    no tern passage but 5 or 6 Sandwich Terns feeding at close range and in middle distance, also two Great Crested Grebes.

    No sight or sound of Rock Pipit on jetty.

    Can anyone beat this tomorrow?

    *PJM had another Osprey sighting earlier in the morning– one seen moving in bay (NE?) off Heysham around 0730.