Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Leighton Moss Reply To: Leighton Moss

    Post count: 124

    We did blue gate end early-ish, then up to Centre and Skytower, back to Causeway and Lower path, back to Centre for lunch.

    Can add to above:
    11 chiffchaffs – most singing but 2 not
    1 nuthatch heard, 2 treecreepers seen.
    Very good view of a Cetti’s singing on the boardwalk.
    Two small flocks of sand martins seen very high when looking at buzzards – each flock had 1 house martin with it.
    Great black-backed gulls nesting on Island again, another individual checking them out.
    1 sparrowhawk and 1 kestrel also seen
    1 brimstone butterfly

    Jeff B