Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Peregrine hunting snipe at Condor Green on 1st Feb

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  • Jen Woodward
      Post count: 29

      I was privileged to witness a Peregrine chasing a Common Snipe that had just burst from one of the last remaining rush refuges, soon to be covered by the rising water during the high spring tide yesterday (1st Feb) lunchtime. The Snipe got away! Roughly 40 snipe had already burst from the saltmarsh in the area in front of the new cycle path bench between Condor Green car park and the bridge that takes Ashton hall Lane across the path. Most were Common but I spotted two definite Jacks!

      Ian Chisnall
        Post count: 4

        Glad to hear you saw Jack Snipe. I too am keen to see Jack Snipe. It is one of my nemesis birds. I only go to Conder Green occasionally, so I have been frustrated trying to figure out the location you refer to. Please therefore may I enquire with you; are you referring to the car park near the hide or near the stork pub? I cannot see Ashton Hall Lane mentioned on Google Maps. Thank you for your help. Ian

        Clay G
          Post count: 50

          Ian, if you want to see Jack Snipe, your best bet at the moment is the bird that has been showing well on Allen Pool at Leighton Moss.

          It first appeared on 30th Jan and has been seen most days since then, including this afternoon. It’s on the reedy island in front of Allen Hide, very well hidden amongst the squashed reeds. You’ll probably need a scope to find it, and it’s practically invisible when it isn’t moving (as is the way with Jack Snipes). If you’re lucky, you might find someone in the hide who has already seen it and can help you out. Watch out for Common Snipe – there will probably be several on the island with the Jack and they’re easily mistaken if you don’t know what you’re looking for. The lack of a cream crown stripe is the best ID feature if you’re uncertain.

          • This reply was modified 1 month ago by Clay G.
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