Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe Flood & Wildfowlers Pools

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  • Clay G
      Post count: 40

      This evening 17:30-18:30

      Teal: 32, mostly on flood
      Mallard: 22, mostly on WPs

      Also on flood:
      1 Little Egret
      2 Pied Wagtail juveniles
      1 Stock Dove
      1 Moorhen
      Swarm of House Martins plus some Swallows feeding overhead in buffety winds

      Also on pools:
      1 Little Egret
      1 Little Grebe juv/winter
      1 Green Sandpiper
      1 Greylag
      5 Moorhen
      1 Pied Wagtail adult

      – 1 Common Gull in mixed flock (BH & LB) on field alongside Aldcliffe Hall Lane
      – Male Gadwall on Lancaster Canal/Ripley field. Presumably the same bird that was here in early spring, though I haven’t seen him for a while.

      • This topic was modified 4 weeks ago by Clay G.
      • This topic was modified 4 weeks ago by Clay G.
      • This topic was modified 4 weeks ago by Clay G.
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