Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Eric Morecambe Pools & Heysham

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 231

      Eric Morecambe Pools & Barrow Scout (from Crag Road)
      Avocet – 72 adults / full-grown juveniles and 8 recently hatched young – mainly on Eric Morecambe Pool North
      Pochard – 1 female with 6 half-grown young on Barrow Scout
      Wigeon – 3 (male & 2 females) on Barrow Scout – early returning or over-summering?
      Barnacle Goose – 4 on Barrow Scout – presumably of feral origin

      Red Nab – Heysham Harbour
      Mediterranean Gull – 33 (24 adults, 2 2nd summers, 7 1st summers) between Heysham Stage 2 Outfall and Heysham Harbour mouth. Difficult to keep track of as many were mobile, with 23 on the sea off the harbour mouth just after the arrival of the Seatruck at one point. One colour-ringed adult: Yellow AZTZ.
      Kittiwake – long-staying 1st summer roosting on the Wooden Jetty
      Bar-tailed Godwit – 1 on shoreline near the end of Heysham Stage 1 Outfall
      Grey Seal – 1 off the end Heysham Stage 1 Outfall
      Ringlet – 5 in Heysham Nature Park

      Pete C

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