Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Sunday morning

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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 224

      Heysham North Harbour Wall (6.45 – 9.15 am)
      2 Arctic Skua – 1 dark morph, 1 light morph – flew in and landed on the sea just before I arrived (seen by Mark Prestwood)
      6 Gannet – flying in (with 1 flying out – presumably one of these)
      3 Red-throated Diver – flying in
      1 Guillemot – flying out
      37 Kittiwake – flying out
      70 Common Scoter – groups of 9, c.40 and 20 fyling in (plus 20 flying out)
      1 female Red-breasted Merganser – flying out
      1 male Goosander – flying in
      3 Little Egret – flying in very distantly
      2 Sandwich Tern
      1 Common Whitethrat – singing male beyond gate on sea wall

      Eric Morecambe Pools, from Crag Road (9.45 – 10.25 am)
      1 Osprey – stood on post on Carnforth Marsh eating a fish
      58 Avocet
      23 Little Egret
      275 Bar-tailed Godwit – Eric Morecambe Pool North
      110 Black-tailed Godwit – Allen Pool
      2 Eider and 2 Wigeon – Eric Morecambe Pool South
      7 Pochard (5 males, 2 females) – Barrow Scout Fields

      Warton Crag (10.30 – 12.15 pm)
      8 species of Butterfly – Brimstone, Common Blue, Dingy Skipper, Green Hairstreak, Large White, Orange-tip, Small Heath and Speckled Wood, but no Pearl-bordered Fritillary

      Pete C

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