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  • Pete Crooks
      Post count: 231

      Heysham South Harbour Wall – 50-minute sea-watch from the lighthouse (8.45 – 9.35 am)
      Gannet – 4 flew into the Bay, then back out about 15 minutes later
      Red-throated Diver – 1 on sea off North Harbour Wall
      Common Tern – 2 lingering off North Harbour Wall
      Great Crested Grebe – 3 offshore
      Rock Pipit – 4 between Heysham Harbour and Stage One outfall

      Middleton Parish Hall
      Glossy Ibis – again in the horse paddock behind the Parish Hall at 10.00 am

      Knowlys Road, Heysham
      Common Redstart – 1 male on the leeward side of the hawthorn hedge extending down from Knowlys Road to the promenade
      Pale-bellied Brent Geese – 11 roosting on the shoreline at low tide (plus a distant Malcolm Downham)

      Eric Morecambe Pools (from Crag Road viewpoint)
      Avocet – 40 on salt-marsh pools
      Pink-footed Geese – 365 on salt-marsh beyond EM Pools
      Pochard – 2 (male, female) on Barrow Scout

      Pine Lake
      Common Scoter – 1 female in NE corner, keeping out of the way of the water skier at 12.00 pm

      Aldcliffe Marsh – mid-afternoon
      Common Sandpiper – 1 on river opposite the Golden Ball
      Wheatear – 1 male on salt-marsh
      Mixed hirundine flock – 5+ House Martin, 10+ Swallow and 1 Sand Martin at south end of Wildfowlers’ Pools
      Lesser Whitethroat – 1 singing at south end Wildfowlers’ Pools
      Little Ringed Plover 4 – 2 on Wildfowlers’ Pools, 2 on flooded field at end of Aldcliffe Hall Lane

      Pete C

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