Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Freeman’s and Frog ponds incl woodpigeon flock Reply To: Freeman’s and Frog ponds incl woodpigeon flock

    Post count: 95

    91 Woodpigeon in the field this afternoon.

    Freemans Pools
    Goldeneye- 9
    Little Grebe- 1
    Goldcrest- 2
    Oystercatcher- 2

    Frog Pond
    Wigeon- 13

    Wildfowlers Pools
    Snipe- 10
    Shelduck- 3
    Tufted Duck- 7
    Goldeneye- 1
    Little Grebe- 2
    Gadwall- 2
    Teal- 8

    The Flood
    Gadwall- 16
    Teal- 82
    Black-tailed Godwit- 6

    New Quay Road
    Goldeneye- 6 (additional to the 10 at Aldcliffe)
    Mistle Thrush- 1