Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Lesser white-fronted goose

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  • Tom Walkington
      Post count: 69

      On the fields just south of Barrow Scout Fields.
      A Lesser white-fronted goose with a flock of 140 Pinkfeet.
      First seen in the morning and there till 16.30 hrs. at least.
      Presumed to be the Cockersands bird.

      Pete Crooks
        Post count: 255

        The adult Lesser White-fronted Goose was originally with 170 Pink-footed Geese in the roadside field just by the southernmost pool at Barrow Scout – directly below the Crag Road viewpoint from 11.55 am, until the goose flock was flushed by a passing motorbike at c.12.45 pm. Comparisons of photos showing the pattern of blackish feathering on the belly of this bird and the one seen recently at Moss Lane, Thurnham confirm that they are the same bird.

        Also from the Crag Road viewpoint:
        12 Avocet – on The Flood
        c.740 Black-tailed Godwit – on Eric Morecambe Pool South
        1 Great Crested Grebe – on the Allen Pool (I cannot recall seeing one here before)

        Earlier a visit to Foulshaw Moss failed to produce any Osprey, though the noticeboard stated that one – a passage bird ? – was seen there on 23rd March. Great views of 2 Water Rails feeding beneath the bird feeders at the start of the boardwalk. Also: 2 Stonechat on the moss, with 1 male Lesser Redpoll, 1 female Siskin and 6 Tree Sparrow on the bird feeders by the car park.

        Pete C

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