Home Forums Discussions Arnside Viaduct . Some good news and some bad……..

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  • Gar
      Post count: 270

      You may be aware the Morecambe Bay Partnership has commissioned a study for a walking and cycling route from Arnside to Grange crossing the railway viaduct.
      The good news first. The route will follow the seaward or Arnside town side of the viaduct. This will keep anyone well away from the marsh land to north. That side would be totally inaccessible and I envisage no disturbance issues. If anyone’s ever observed the extensive marsh from the opposite side they’ll know this is one of the few areas of the estuary which is very seldom disturbed; its private and there’s no public access. Its an important bird refuge, especially during higher tides.( a particular favourite for Little Egrets which often gather there in large numbers)
      Now for the potentially bad news. The route takes a sharp left hand turn as it crosses the the viaduct from Arnside. This would be in conflict with the very important marsh area on that side. Again, anyone observing from the opposite side, from Arnside, will know this is a very important refuge area for birds; its private land and is very seldom disturbed.
      In the artist illustration which may be observed on the Morecambe Bay Partnership website, you’ll observe there is some sort of barrier between the route and the marsh but how long would it be before walkers and dog walkers hop over on to the marsh?
      I’ve written to the Morecambe Bay Partnership pointing this out and requesting the barrier is high enough to deter users hopping over, and information signs erected reminding users its private land and an important bird refuge (in my experience such signs are sometimes first ignored, then ripped off).
      If the society or any members would like to contact the Morecambe Bay Partnership with their concerns, then visit their website. There’s a link on the page about the proposed development on there which wasn’t working but if you scroll around there’s a ‘contact us’ link which does work. Copy and paste ‘Morecambe Bay Partnership ‘ into Google and it will take you directly to their website.

      stephen wallis
        Post count: 77

        Thank you for raising this here. There is another factor re safety too in the form of a number of nuclear waste trains crossing this viaduct daily and people using the track being in close proximity, accidents, potential terrorism too.

          Post count: 270

          Thanks Stephen.
          It will be interesting to see if this planned trail ever happens.

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