Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Lapwing chicks – Aldcliffe

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  • guymcclelland
      Post count: 152

      4 lapwing chicks were close to the hedge in the new silage field A3(previously the maize field). 2 lapwing chicks were possibly in the centre of the field. I couldn’t help but think that with this field becoming a green desert, that this might be the last generation of lapwings in this field.

      A heron caught an eel at Wildfowlers’A4.

        Post count: 184

        Yep, it’s a mixed blessing really. The repeated destruction of nests every year is possibly harder to swallow than a total absence of attempted breeders I think!
        Hopefully these birds will relocate to the far more lapwing-friendly crop field at nearby Fairfield in future years.

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