Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Eric Morecambe Complex & Leighton

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  • johnwilson
      Post count: 612

      Eric Morecambe
      Avocet 44 but no young
      Med Gull Now difficult to see breeding pair as vegetation has grown but heard them calling.
      Black-tailed Godwit 20 on salt marsh.

      Bittern 2 in high flight.
      Great Black-backed Gull One apparently nesting on Osprey tower.
      Shoveler No records today on either Leighton or Eric Morecambe and Fell End the other day.
      John Wilson

        Post count: 184

        Single drake shoveler on Jackson Pool this afternoon.
        2cy little gull still at Lower this morning, plus osprey.
        Cuckoo calling again from beyond the top of the Causeway (Leighton Hall end).

          Post count: 184

          Drake garganey at Jackson this morning.
          Osprey, bittern & otter all seen several times throughout the day.
          Bearded tits reported from path to Grisedale.

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