Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Aldcliffe / Fairfield various Reply To: Aldcliffe / Fairfield various

Alasdair Taylor
    Post count: 61

    LDBWS feeding station: 6C at 08.50 this morning (Sunday), dry, mainly cloudy. Little breeze. The following were present during a brief period of observation:
    Linnet 5
    Reed bunting 3
    Chaffinch 2
    Stock dove 1
    Mallard 2
    Pheasant 1
    Carrion crow 1
    Blue tit 1
    Robin 3 (still apparently content to share the space)
    Dunnock 1

    An immaculate pair of bullfinches visited my garden in Scotforth briefly yesterday – first time I’ve clocked them this Winter / Spring. At least 2 blackcaps were “giving it laldy” in Piccadilly yesterday morning.