Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Sunderland Point Lades Marsh WeBS Count for the 23rd

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  • Alan Smith
      Post count: 75

      128 Ringed Plover
      184 Dunlin, the only other species detected in the intermingled gathering was 1 Turnstone
      64 Mute Swan, arrived for their annual moult, feathers all over the place
      35 Eider, quite a few lone males, are the females sitting on eggs, fingers crossed
      32 Shelduck, as above
      3 Little Egrets
      1 Heron
      8 Oystercatcher
      4 Mallard
      1 Curlew
      43 LBB Gull, not good for the well being of ducklings of above species when they arrive
      1 Common Tern fishing
      2 Herring Gull
      4 BH Gull

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