Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Pinkfeet

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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 2

      This morning two skeins of Pinkfeet(c400) high over Arnside flying North.
      Why and where to ?

      Keith Williams.

      John Webb
        Post count: 139

        And 2 more skeins from Fleagarth Wood about 2.00 this afternoon. Estimated c160 in 1 skein heading North over Leighton Moss, and c450 in the skein passing North directly over our heads.

          Post count: 1

          I saw c700 pink feet in field below Brigsteer village at 11.30 this morning… maybe this is where they are. I only had my binoculars with me, and they were a fair way out but were slightly closer from the farm buildings looking north. A white front was amongst them (RBA news).

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