Home Forums Bird & Insect Sightings Middleton Sands WEBS

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  • garry sharples
      Post count: 31

      Nice to see the Autumn increase in waders Today on the WEBS count:

      2 Ruff
      1580 Oystercatcher
      5700 Knot
      122 Redshank
      5 Turnstone
      418 Grey Plover
      23 Ringed Plover
      375 Dunlin
      425 Bar Tailed Godwit
      28 Black Tailed Godwit
      570 Curlew
      112 Shelduck
      5 Eider
      6 Little Egret
      1 Grey Heron
      2 Herring Gulls
      6 LBBG

      Really unusual lack of passerines Today (unlike E Coast!) – not even the usual Linnets / Reed Bunting etc….very few Blackbirds and no Thrushes!

      2 Meadow Pipit
      10 Robins
      15 Wood Pigeon
      1 Kestrel
      1 Greenfinch

      Good to see you Alan and as promised, I’ve logged back on here successfully and will keep posting on here the WEBS stuff.

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